IBM zSystems and LinuxONE Cyber Security Provides for Sustainability Too
I have come to recognize and understand through my work at IBM about the tremendous amount of energy that our IT systems takes for this planet.
It includes about 25,000 Terawatt hours per year. With the world’s burgeoning population and the climate change requiring more air conditioning to be available if people are going to be able to live in hot areas, it becomes clear without a cleaner, more reliable source of energy like fusion, we need to use less energy on the things we today use energy for so that the servicing of other needs using our same energy level will be possible.
So how do we do more (or same) with less?
Part of the answer (and I hate how self-serving it seems because I work for IBM but I would think this makes sense no matter who you do work for) is to use more efficient technologies that can get more computing power out of less energy consumption. IBM zSystems and LinuxONE technologies are known for their scalability, reliability, and security. But did you know that they are also driving sustainability initiatives around the world? In this blog post, I will explore how IBM zSystems and LinuxONE technologies are helping organizations reduce their carbon footprint and contributing to a sustainable future.
First, let’s talk about the energy efficiency of IBM zSystem and LinuxONE technologies. These systems are designed to deliver maximum computing power while using minimal energy. For example, the IBM z16 mainframe capable of reducing the overall energy consumption by 75% over equivalent x86 cores. 5 of the z16 systems are equivalent to 2000 intel core systems. They also take up only 50% of the space of these 2000 intel core systems — and they further reduce the CO2 emissions by more than 850 metric tons per year.
This efficiency is achieved through hardware innovations such as advanced power management and cooling systems, as well as software optimizations that minimize resource usage. Check out this report I referenced to find this information:
In addition to their energy efficiency, IBM z and LinuxONE technologies are also designed to support renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Many organizations are adopting these systems to power their data centers using renewable energy, thus reducing their reliance on non-renewable sources and lowering their carbon footprint.
But what about the security angle? Part of the answer to more sustainability is to be more secure in our computing. More secure? Yes. So let’s take a look at how IBM zSystems and LinuxONE fit into this.
We all know that cyber attacks can lead to data breaches, which not only compromise sensitive information but we may not think about the other consequences to our environment. They also result in increased energy usage as organizations work to recover from the attack.
The recovery from cyber attacks requires spending great amounts of energy to restore systems, to install new resilient structures, and to communicate to employees and customers beyond all the legal, financial, and social ramifications for the outcomes of the attacks. These IBM zSystems and IBM LinuxONE systems are designed to protect sensitive data and prevent cyberattacks, which can have a significant environmental impact by negating the need for the energy consumed to recover from the attack.
Take into consideration the increased incidents of cyber attacks and you start to see how this aspect for sustainability can be critical. It’s only getting worse, unfortunately. Cyber attacks saw a 38% rise in 2022 according to Check Point Research.
Finally, IBM zSystems and LinuxONE technologies are helping organizations embrace circular economy principles. These systems have a long lifespan, often lasting for decades, and are designed to be easily upgraded and maintained. This means that organizations can extend the life of their IT infrastructure, reducing the need for new equipment and minimizing e-waste.
When I used to work in a corporate data center for a large US chemical company, our corporate systems were on 3–5 year leases. Those systems were sent possibly to resale, but given the age of the equipment and the energy consumption by them, more efficient technologies would help to reduce overall consumption instead of merely shifting it from company A to company B.
The answer to the world’s energy use crisis won’t be found in recycling older equipment with its inefficient use of power to other people, at least not completely. The answer lies more in moving people off inefficient technologies to other technologies that use less to begin with.
In conclusion, IBM zSystems and LinuxONE technologies are not only driving innovation and transformation in the IT industry but also contributing to a sustainable future. And this is what makes me feel good about going to work each day.
Note: The author works for IBM helping software vendors to port their software products to run on Linux on z on IBM zSystems and the IBM LinuxONE which he views as helping to solve the world’s energy problems.