The Significance of Process Management in the World of Cloud Computing
In today’s rapidly evolving realm of Cloud Computing, it appears that both individuals and organizations have somewhat diminished the importance of effective computing process management. Even in well-established enterprises like IBM, ITIL, once regarded as a sacred standard, seems to have lost some of its luster.
However, it’s crucial to recognize that the significance of process management in IT is not something that should be taken lightly. Trends in technology often follow a cyclical pattern, and it’s likely that a few unexpected failures will soon prompt a renewed appreciation for structured processes.
But what exactly am I getting at here?
At its core, the value of having robust business processes lies in the ability to approach projects and business activities with care and thoughtful consideration. This approach helps mitigate risks associated with these activities, risks that could otherwise result in costly disruptions and the failure to deliver value.
Take, for instance, a recent incident involving Elon Musk and his unconventional approach to moving servers from one data center to another. He gathered friends and employees on a Saturday, rented vans, and executed the move with little planning or discipline. This incident serves as a prime example of disregarding process management, and it ultimately came back to haunt them.
First and foremost, they neglected to provide proper protection for the servers, with Elon himself attempting to detach a power supply under raised flooring without adequate precautions. This lack of safety measures was the first red flag.
Then, they loaded the servers into vans, stacking them like ordinary cargo, and transported them to the new location. However, they failed to realize that the entire system had been meticulously designed to function in its original environment. No one had assessed the potential risks associated with the move. It turned out that the server locations were hardcoded into the servers and the code itself, resulting in issues and disruptions.
As someone who has provided ITIL process consulting for many years, incidents like this are hard to stomach.
Nonetheless, in the era of cloud computing, it’s somewhat understandable why people might assume that everything will work seamlessly. After all, you can effortlessly spin up cloud instances with a mere click, seemingly without concern for their physical location. Why should servers be any different?
However, their primary error, aside from disregarding established processes designed to prevent such outages, lay in the belief that building cloud infrastructure required no effort. They failed to grasp a fundamental truth: The real magic happens above your level of work, not below it.
There’s a saying that goes, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Throughout history, numerous business failures, manufacturing hiccups, and IT disasters have led to the development of business process management and the establishment of disciplines to ensure that costly, avoidable mistakes are prevented.
Perhaps the example of X (formerly Twitter) is not the best one to illustrate this point, as it raises questions about how a $44 billion acquisition could swiftly lose its value. Such situations often result from a lack of respect for process maturity, leadership derived from experience, and a cavalier attitude toward IT — a critical element in running any business.
In conclusion, the significance of process management in the world of IT, especially in the context of cloud computing, cannot be overstated. A well-structured and thoughtful approach to projects and activities is essential to prevent unnecessary risks, disruptions, and failures that can have far-reaching consequences. Let this be a reminder that history has taught us valuable lessons about the importance of adhering to established processes and practices.